Time tracking
as easy as never before

We help freelancers & companies to track their times. Manage your projects and customers in one app.

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What can Zundertrack do?

Make sure all your times are correctly invoiced. Whether you have one or a thousand customers - we help you keep track.

Detailed descriptions

You can add a description to each time recording or lump sum position, so you and your customers have a clear view of what you have done for them.

Service reports

Do you hate to manually create service reports at the end of the month? With Zundertrack, you can easily create your DLBs and export them as PDF.

Individual hourly rates

Do you have a different hourly rate for each customer? No problem! You can set an individual hourly rate for each customer and even for individual projects.

Easy project management

If you are doing several things at the same time for a customer, you can easily create several projects for one customer with Zundertrack.

Optional invoicing

Zundertrack allows you to record individual bookings as non-invoicable. You can even hide these positions in your invoice.

Privacy made in Germany

Zundertrack is hosted 100% in Germany. Your data and that of your customers are therefore safe - and all without stress.

What our customers say about their experiences with the app

Avatar of Enrico Franke

"As the head of the agency that developed Zundertrack, we use our own app for efficient time management. Simple, effective and secure."

Enrico Franke
Avatar of Kenan Egül

"Ideal for coaching in the Amazon FBA area. Zundertrack makes tracking customer times a breeze."

Kenan Egül
Avatar of Sezer Kabak

"Precise and uncomplicated - Zundertrack is ideal for flexitime and precise time management."

Sezer Kabak
Mobile screens

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